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Sugreeva’s atlas: 3

                                                                      India to Arctic                                  You have heard many words by the name atlas know the geographical the modern post-colonial era maps but we follow a different map here. we want to explain a different map here as you all have seen in the last two blogs that Sugriva travelled all over the planet to run away from vali, and when bhagwaan ram asks him he explains him why he knows whole world how he knows the whole world. So today we are covering Sugriva’s atlas. We have covered east and west. Today we are going to the north direction. we have seen Uttar kuru as a reference of north of Kashmir. As Kashmir was still Part of Hastinapur’s kingdom. But north of Kashmir was also part of Hastinapur’s kingdom in Mahabharata but in Ramayana kaal Sugriva travelled there to run away from vali. so Kashmir and north of Kashmir was also a part of kuru kingdom so it should not surprise you that the kuru kingdom was also

My history is not mythology

                                        Chronology of Bhartiya civilization

As you people knows I had already written on the Saraswati civilization which is the civilization of the Bhartiya people and it’s a dharma centric civilization and dharma is as significant to the Indian civilization as geometry is to Greek civilization and I want to confess you all that in this article I will use dharma as a keyword so please don’t interpret dharma as religion because dharma is not equals to religion and this is because the fact that in India when we say (Ahimsa paramo dharma) it suggests no trace of any religion in it dharma only means :the ultimate truth . that why I support Rajiv Malhotra ji when he says that Sanskrit in non-translatable.


 So, we talked about our civilization and the soul of our civilization which I called dharma. And now we will have a brief talk on the age of the Indian civilization and will try to date out our epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata and the sacred texts of Vedas.

So lets start our journey with the Mahabharata : you all will aware of the fact that the Mahabharata is the longest written epic in the history of human beings consisting of over 1,00,000 shlokas and over 2,00,000 versus such a massive epic it is which reflects the height of literature in India during this period but the most destructive things happened with us is that our self-declared historians like Romilla Thapar declared our history as myth and pushed our grand narrative (Ramayana, Mahabharata) in the bags of mythology . but the latest discovery proves that this is not myth but an integral part of our history and this also gives us the time line of our history which is chronology.

For many years the dating of past depends only on archaeology but now in this 21st century we have adopted a multidisciplinary approach like geology, archaeology, fluorine – luminisus dating, hydrology, population mapping, satellite imagery and the most important one Astronomy. And as we read Mahabharata, we can trace at least 300 verses which describes position of stars and planets, weather, seasons, and eclipse and motion of planets with respect to their relative motion.

In the beginning of the Mahabharata, we all were aware of the incarnation of Krishna but the important thing which we always ignore is the astronomical situation at the time of Krishna’s birth is the position of the stars and planets which is described as Ashtamyam Sravanemase Krisknapakshe mahatithou; Rohinyamardharatre cha sudnmsa udayonmukhe: it is said that Krishna was born when the Moon was in the constellation of Prajapathi, i.e., Rohini. And By a careful study of the 26th sloka of first chapter, fifth amsa of Vishnupurana, it can be construed that Krishna was born on the night of Krishnashtami (8th day of dark half) in the lunar month of Sravana. Information furnished in Harivanua (1 Part, 52nd chapter) is clear and to the point so far as the lunar day, month and time are concerned. It is said that Krishna was born on the 8th lunar day of the dark half of Sravana, in the constellation of Rohini at midnight. And when these positions of planets and nakshatras were applied in the planetarium software of NASA they even found dates which was 5,624 B.C and suggests that this is the year when these astronomical equations have originated. And later on, in Mahabharata, a night before the war the argument between bhishma and Dhritarastra, where bhishma says that ooh Dhritarastra look towards the sky, in the saptarisi constellation, the Vasishta is moving ahead of Arundhati which is a very rare phenomenon and when these positions of the saptarisi stars were introduced with AI it again pops out a date 5,668 B.C which is a very significant thing because it supports the previous date because Krishna was born before Mahabharat war. As We know that the war of Mahabharat was fought for 18 days and in Mahabharat there is the mention of the positions of planets, stars and astronomical bodies of each day in a consecutive order of verses and we also know that the bhishma Pitamah was laid down by arjun on the bed of arrows on the 10th day of the war but was not dead. And when the war ended on the 18th day and when Yudhishthira was made the king then krishna reminds the king that the war is not yet over ,then Krishna along with the padawas went to meet the bhishma and they held a brief talk and at the ending Krishna says that you have 52 more days bhishma and the astronomical evidences by the latest AI suggests that that day was the day of Makarshakranti whose positions is described as 


              the sun started shifting from the kark rashi to the makar rashi so when all these data were compiled we got the date of Mahabharat before 6,000 B.C.


And now we must talk about Ramayana and the dating of Ramayana:

According to Valmiki Ramayana, Sri Rama was born on the 9th day or the ninth tithi, also known as Navami, of the waxing moon fortnight, otherwise known as 'Shukla Paksh’, in the month of Chaitra, sometime in antiquity. 

The other pointers to the planetary positions at the time of Sri Rama's birth in Valmiki Ramayana are that Sri Ram's birth ascendant was Cancer, the day was advancing which indicates that the birth happened between 12 noon and 1 pm, that five of the seven planets were exalted, two planets were in their own sign of which one was Moon. It also says that Moon was placed with Jupiter. In saying that the presiding deity is Aditi, Rishi Valmiki indicates that Sri Rama was born in the Punarvasu Nakshatra. 

This also indicates that Moon had to be located between 0 degrees to 3.20 degrees of Cancer, since it is only between 0-3'20 degrees of Cancer, when Moon is associated with Cancer in the Punarvasu Nakshatra. 

In one shot Rishi Valmiki describes all the planetary positions we need to calculate Sri Rama's birth chart. Here it is:

ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनाम् षट् समत्ययुः |
ततः  द्वादशे मासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ || -१८-
नक्क्षत्रे अदिति दैवत्ये स्व उच्छ संस्थेषु पंचसु |
ग्रहेषु कर्कटे लग्ने वाक्पता इंदुना सह || -१८-
प्रोद्यमाने जगन्नाथम् सर्व लोक नमस्कृतम् |
कौसल्या अजनयत् रामम् सर्व लक्षण संयुतम् || -१८-१०

By deduction we also know that Sun was in Aries constellation, Mars in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Libra.

Since Moon and Jupiter are together in Cancer in the first house or ascendant, it caused one of the best forms of Gaj Kesari Yoga. Jupiter is exalted, and Moon is in its own sign in Cancer. What could be better than that!

But we are looking at Lord Rama's planetary positions here from a point of view of astronomy, and not astrology! Though both are intricately tied up with one another!!

This planetary data was fed into the Planetarium Software, a software which is now declassified, but was earlier used by NASA to calculate the exact position of planets for any given date - past, present or future. The closest date from today ino the past, for which the planetary data of Lord Rama's birth fits in, is 10th January, 12,114 BC. Since then this combination has never occurred in the skies which implies Sri Ram was born no later than 12,114 BC.

So why does Sri Ram's birth in 12,114 BC fall in the month of January and not in March-April as it does in today. In other words, why does lunar month Chaitra coincide with March-April and not with January as it did in 12,114 BC. This is due to the shift in the precession of the equinox.

A note on the Shift of the Precession of the Equinox: The positions of the Equinoxes move westward along the ecliptic compared to the fixed stars on the celestial sphere. This annual motion is about 1 degree every 71.6 years. A complete Precession cycle covers a period of 25,765 (71.6 * 360) years, during which time the equinox regresses over 360°. This journey over 25,765 years covers the 12 constellations of the sky so that the sun rises on the vernal equinox in the same zodiac for about 2,150 years in each constellation.

Today, the Sun rises in the background of Pisces on the vernal equinox. We are almost at the end of this cycle, the Sun will rise in the background of Aquarius from 2150 AD onwards. 2150 years back (calculated from 2150 AD) that is from 1 AD to 2150 BC, the Sun rose with Aries in the background of vernal equinox, another 2150 years before that , that is, 4300-2151 BC,in Taurus and from 6450 - 4300 BC in Gemini! This almost 4 sign shift in the precession of the equinox accounts for the roughly 4 month shift from January to April in Sri Ram's birth day month of Chaitra.

His year of birth therefore may be 5114 BC or earlier in antiquity, but that date has not been calculated.  We need a software even more powerful than Planetarium Software. 

tataH yaj~ne samaapte = then, ritual, on completion;
R^ituuNaam SaT sam atyayuH = seasons, six, well, passed by; 
tataH = then; dvaadashe maase = in twelfth, month; 
chaitre naavamike tithau = chaitra month , ninth, day;
nakshatre aditi daivatye = star of the day [Punarvasu,] whose presiding deity is aditi;
panchasu graheSu swa uccha samstheshu = of five, planets, in their own, highest, positions - in their own ucCha sthAna-s in their own exalted positions -  meSha, makara, karkaTa, mIna, tula - rAshI-s;

chandra yukta guru karkaTa lagne proudyamane;

karkaTe lagne = in Cancer [of Zodiac]; 
vaak patiH= when Speech's, Lord [Jupiter]; 
indunaa saha =  Moon, along with; 
pra udyamane =  advancing daytime

Through this we can say that Ramayana and Mahabharata are not myth but this is a collection of unforgettable history of the Bharatvarsh. Today we all know about the greatness of the Maurya and Guptas because these were contemporary to the Greeks and other civilization. but the question is should we have the ownership of our history before Greeks or should we consider our history as myth because most of the world didn’t know to read or write at that time.


·       Ramayana and Mahabharat are not myth but a history of this sacred Bharat Bhoomi.

·       Dates of these events have been founded out on the basis of aspherical research.

·       Our civilization is more ancient than 10000 B.C.

·       These findings had laid the foundation stone for the future research.

·       Ram and Krishna was not any mythical character.

·       This research will helps us in reclaiming the ownership of our history.


This papers also indicates that the volume of the lies in our history textbooks is unparallel anywhere in the world. And these should be removed immediately and must have to Indianize our curriculum. To restore the greatness of civilizational values wee must free ourselves from the western influence and accelerates the process which I called as the decolonization of Indian minds.


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