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Sugreeva’s atlas: 3

                                                                      India to Arctic                                  You have heard many words by the name atlas know the geographical the modern post-colonial era maps but we follow a different map here. we want to explain a different map here as you all have seen in the last two blogs that Sugriva travelled all over the planet to run away from vali, and when bhagwaan ram asks him he explains him why he knows whole world how he knows the whole world. So today we are covering Sugriva’s atlas. We have covered east and west. Today we are going to the north direction. we have seen Uttar kuru as a reference of north of Kashmir. As Kashmir was still Part of Hastinapur’s kingdom. But north of Kashmir was also part of Hastinapur’s kingdom in Mahabharata but in Ramayana kaal Sugriva travelled there to run away from vali. so Kashmir and north of Kashmir was also a part of kuru kingdom so it should not surprise you that the kuru kingdom was also

The Sarasvati Civilization

                             The   Sarasvati Civilization 


If you went to any Indian school or ask any student in India ,who is Akbar the child will tell you he was the ruler of Mughal dynasty and if you ask him about  Akbar’s father he will tell you that humayu is the father of Akbar and Babur is the father of humayu, correct .

Now if you ask them that who was  the father  of Ashoka and samudragupta. 90% of crowd is unable to answer it and if say them that Dasharatha was the father of ram but who was dasrath’s father. I am confident that 99% will fails to answer it have you ever think why?

The answer is very simple because it has been whitewashed from our text books. and has been not included in our curriculum .so we have to understand that the history of Italy, Russia, China or Japan is not written in the Harvard or Oxford, it is written by them. The Russian’s will not accept the Chinese will not accept their history Outsourced to Harvard or oxford , yet we have been suffering this . because of the Islamic and then European colonization and now there is a need to reinterpret our history from an Indian point of view and remove the colonial era history from Indian mind.

But why?

The answer of these questions are very complicated, I will try to explain as simple as I can .

Starting from the Year 1498 when vasco da ga ma discovered a sea route to India from Europe via ‘cape of good hope’ in Africa so our historians refers this moment as the discovery of India .and the story of India’s rich flew like wild fire in Europe and every European started to trade with India but after a long battle to gain dominance over the trade of India with Europe the British emerged victorious. and in a short period of time they get controls over the major part of the Indian subcontinent. but as we know that India was a very decentralized country divided in hundreds of princely states so it was very easy for the British to loot India, the major setback came for the British in the year 1857 when under the sword of rani Jhansi India became united and led to a revolt. but the British pushed back the revolt successfully. but they were worried about this and they observed that India is a country which is divided politically but united culturally , so they decided break the chain of this cultural continuity , so they wrote our history for us and come with the “Aryan Invasion Theory” and this theory says that the Indus valley civilization was a Dravidian civilization. And the aryan attacked and destroyed the Indus valley civilization in   1500 B.C   and chased down the Dravidian's to the south India where they managed to developed their civilization again. And this theory also suggests that the aryan crossed the Himalayas and the bolan with their chariots and war horses. How the hell could anyone drive a wooden chariots across the Himalayas I don’t know . no but the aryan came and destroyed the 100 Dravidian cities .first of all there is not 100 fort city there is 12 so how did they destroyed 100 cities still is a mystery for me .

Now I will present some facts which will tell you that what a core level lie our historians has written on our textbooks.

As we know that today aryan invasion theory has been blown away by the discovery of the river Saraswati. 

Like when madam romilla thapar and r.s Sharma when propagated the aryan migration theory ,after the destruction of the previous one and said that no -no they didn’t invade they migrated, migrated in 1500 B.C “ok”. but now their central argument is that there was no Saraswati river. “jooth ,bakwas ek nala tha HELMAND “ in Afghanistan .but the Ved says that the Saraswati flows from Himalayas to the sea. Now the Helmand starts from one bloody nala and end’s at another nala, how could this be the Saraswati. First of all Saraswati was in India and not in Afghanistan . 

That light blue line in the picture is a satellite imagery reconstruction of what they called the Saraswati river, by NASA and ISRO with collaboration. they mark every inch of the river, from the Man Sarovar lake in Tibet to the Arabian sea, it was a river 4600 kms long 6 km wide and at south of Patiala where Yamuna and Sutlej meet with this river it was 12 kms wide it was such a massive river and, in the rig, Ved there 72 ‘mantra’ which describes Saraswati as the mother of floods. And they called,

अनुत्तमा: the greatest of all the mothers.

नदीत्तमा: the greatest of all the rivers.

देवीत्तमा: the greatest of all the Devi’s.

They talk it such glorious terms and says  “oh mother Saraswati do not be angry with us , don’t destroy our homes” they are talking of a mighty torrent also in Mahabharat when Bhima ask Krishna that where is our battle field ,then Krishna replies “it is Kurukshetra land between Saraswati and Dridhadhwati(Yamuna)


Here you can see Kurukshetra between Saraswati and Dridhadhwati:(Yamuna) rivers, and this was a river bigger than the ganga and Brahmaputra. So by the discovery of Saraswati the Aaryn invasion theory get demolished and proved that it is undisputed, nonsense.

And today satellite imagery and archaeological evidences have shown that 60% to 80 % Indus valley sites are not on the Indus river but on the dried out course of the river Saraswati this picture, you can see the locations of the Indus valley sites but the thickest cluster of dots  you see are not on Indus river but on dried out course of Saraswati river.

So what happened to the Saraswati?

According to geology in 4700 B.C there was a massive earthquake which shook the north consequences, the tectonic plates shift cause a shear faults in the Shasliks which made the Yamuna to change its course and join the  ganga. And in 2600 B.C there was another tectonic plate shift ,as a result the Sutlej moved westward and join the indus.

In this photo in extreme right you can see a tear gap in Shavlik’s and the previous course of the river Yamuna.

The mighty Saraswati now lost its perennial source of ice melt water from Himalayas now it became a monsoonal stream and at the times of Mahabharata when the monsoon failed for 12 consecutive years (yuaganta) the river gradually dried and in1900 B.C it was completely dried out and vanished. But the memory of a sacred river was preserved by our oral tradition through our epics and our purans and Upanishads. So the Greeks got it wrong , the Arabs got it wrong because by the time they came the Saraswati had dried out they only saw Indus and called this country India and Hindustan, even the name given to us is wrong our true name is Bharatvarsh. And Saraswati was the real cradle river of Indian civilization not the Indus, and the kingdom along the river was Bharat so we all are the "saraswats" or Bhartiya not Indian.

And now I ask you a simple question, that when a river is drying (dying) what happened to the people living on its banks, will they stay there or will they migrate?

They, will migrate sir, people on the eastern coast moved towards ganga plains and people on the western coast will move towards Iran, Afghanistan, central Asia, and Europe via turkey.

Now according to Aaryn invasion theory they attacked India in 1500 B.C and wrote the Veda's in 1200B.C ,how did he get that magic figure, nobody knows??

But geology tells us that the Saraswati was dried out around 1900 B.C so how did Saraswati termed in the Veda's as “the mother of floods” in 1200 B.C ,to a river which was tuning into a desert, you will not call a dried out nala as mother of floods.

But the leftist reached to an extent and said that the Indians (Dravidians) as per the British theory got beaten because they didn’t knew about chariot, but finally we have discovered three Harrapan era chariot in sinauli Bagpath and Bagpath incidentally is one of the five villages (like Indraprastha, bagprashtha and paniprashtha)

 the Pandava’s had asked for.

(chariot discovered in Bagpath)

this is most important terracotta dolls discovered from the Saraswati valley.

 the dolls in the posture of yoga which go back to 9000 years and counting .yoga and meditation was the most significant product of Indian civilization which continues till date. that is the beauty of this civilization that is the strength of this civilization, that after 9000 years later you have the same cultural continuity.


·     The Indus valley civilization, is not the real cradle of Indian civilization.
·     Saraswati was the real cradle of the Indian civilization.
·     There was no Aaryn invasion on India.
·     There is no evidence of any Aaryn or Dravidian race.
·     Aaryn means a good noble person.
·     Dravidian refers to a geographical term means where three sea meets.
·     From last 11500 years south Asia has a common gene
·      The immense diversity in our country indicates that R1A1 gene was Indian and got divers because of stability.
·     According to modern genetic theory: diversity is directly proportional to stability in a region.
·     Sanskrit was totally indigenous to India and was not imported.
·     The plants and animals mentioned in the Vedas, are neither found in Europe nor in central Asia.
And the sacred geography of Bharat  mentioned in Vedas is from east to west, which destroy the possibility of any Aaryn invasion.

       in the name of Mata Saraswati



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